1. Task Submission

Using the note manager, the user submits a computing task to the network with needs and priority specified.

2. Task Allocation

The GPU nodes are assigned tasks by the task schedule, which evaluates the network's capabilities. Depending on their availability and the demands of the assignment

3. Task execution

The task is carried out by GPU nodes using their GPU resources. Updates on the process and status are sent back to the node manager.

4. Storage & retrieval

When finished, the outcomes are kept in the data storage component and made accessible for the user to get.

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Why choose us?

Embrace the future with DPUs for reliability, efficacy, and affordability.
Join DPU to use idle power!

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Decentralized Networking

Direct Node Connectivity

DPUs provide easy communication across GPU hubs without the need for a central server. This makes it possible to create a decentralized computer network that is safer, more reliable, and more effective than systems with central servers.

Unchangeable Task Processing

Verification of Integrity

A tamper-proof blockchain ledger permanently records every activity, ensuring accountability and transparency. DPUs are perfect for applications requiring high levels of compliance since this makes audits easy.

Efficient Allocation

Flexible Task Assignment

GPU hubs are dynamically assigned computing jobs by DPUs based on their availability and performance. This guarantees the best possible use of available resources, lowers waste, and boosts productivity.